You have rights if you were hurt due to someone else’s negligence, and you should get assistance if you want to protect those rights. If you suspect a damage or injury you’ve experienced may have been prevented, contact the accident injury attorneys at the Law Office of Bradley J. Biggs, PLLC for a free consultation. You can not only learn more about your legal alternatives, but you can also learn more about your rights.
For the majority my career I provided a defense for people and businesses insured by large national insurance companies. During this time, I thought I was fighting the good fight, defending those who were being sued for a simple lapse in judgment or an accident. All the while the insurance companies were behind the scene using mathematical formulas to figure out how much compensation should be paid to an injured victim.
With time things started to change. I began defending large loss catastrophic injury and wrongful death cases. I also began to ask myself: How do you put a value on human life? How do you tell a father who lost his son that he was at fault for his son’s death? How can one sit across from accident victims and families, who have lost lives and suffered horrible injuries, and try to argue that your client’s employee was not responsible? I felt that a serious change was needed to align my morals with my law practice. As a result, I started representing accident victims and clients who have been harmed by others.
Reach out to us today to get your case started.
We are committed to protecting victims and families who have suffered personal harm or the wrongful passing of a loved one due to the acts or omissions of businesses, individuals, or governmental entities.