Commercial Trucking Accident

Commercial Trucking Accident Attorney Tempe AZ

Commercial Trucking Accident

Practice Area

Commercial trucking accidents pose unique challenges due to their potential for severe injuries and extensive damages. At the Law Office of Bradley J. Biggs, PLLC, we specialize in providing expert legal assistance to individuals involved in commercial trucking accidents. Our experienced attorneys understand the complex regulations governing the trucking industry and are well-equipped to investigate the circumstances surrounding the accident, gather crucial evidence, and build a strong case on behalf of our clients.

How We Works



Our dedicated attorneys will discuss your vehicle accident death case with you to provide the support and justice you deserve.


Our experienced legal team will thoroughly research your vehicle accident death case to ensure you receive the justice and compensation you deserve.

Take Action

Take action now to secure justice and compensation with the help of our experienced legal team specializing in vehicle accident deaths.

Practice Areas
Our Attorney
Bradley J. Biggs
Bradley J. Biggs

Phone : (480) 297-5709

Our Attorney

We've recovered millions for our clients

Reach out to us today to get your case started.


Client Success Stories

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